E-böcker / Naturvetenskap
Miten suhtautua elämään ja sen haasteisiin? Ovatko ne todellisia?Mitä todella tiedämme todellisuudesta?Mikä yhteys todellisuudella ja tietoisuudella on?Elämmekö simulaatiossa?FT Jo ...
The Animal Victoria Cross
Sixty-three animals have won the Dickin Medal, the highest award for animal bravery. Their inspiring stories are told, for the first time in one book, The Animal Victoria Cross. F ...
The Environment and Aggregate-Related Archaeology
This volume provides a synthetic review of the background and archaeology that has emerged through archaeological interventions associated with the quarrying of sand, gravel, and r ...
Plants, People and Places
Phytoliths - rigid microscopic bodies that occur in most plant species - have gone a long way since that day when Darwin became curious about a fine powder deposited on the instrum ...
Behaviour Behind Bones
This book is the first in a series of volumes which form the published proceedings of the 9th meeting of the International Council of Archaeozoology (ICAZ), held in Durham in 2002. ...
Living the Lunar Calendar
Lunar calendars suffer from an inherent uncertainty in the length of each month and the number of months in the year. Variable atmospheric conditions, weather and the acuity of the ...
Shuffling Nags, Lame Ducks
The analysis of animal bone assemblages from archaeological sites provides much valuable data concerning economic and husbandry practices in the past, as well as insights into cult ...
This book examines how the study of human-animal relations can help us interpret archaeological evidence. An international range of contributors examines fishing, hunting and husba ...
Archaeomalacology Revisited
The past decade has witnessed a remarkable momentum in the advancement of archaeomalacological research but there is still a lot of room for progress. These ten papers are the seco ...
Wild Harvest
Plants are fundamental to life; they are used by all human groups and most animals. They provide raw materials, vitamins and essential nutrients and we could not survive without th ...
Bones and Identity
Seventeen papers demonstrate how zooarchaeologists engage with questions of identity through culinary references, livestock husbandry practices and land use. Contributions combine ...
Cod and Herring
Quests for cod, herring and other sea fish had profound impacts on medieval Europe. This interdisciplinary book combines history, archaeology and zooarchaeology to discover the chr ...
Castles and the Anglo-Norman World
Castles and the Anglo-Norman World is a major new synthesis drawing together a series of 20 papers by 26 French and English specialists in the field of Anglo-Norman studies. It inc ...
People with Animals
People with Animals emphasizes the interdependence of people and animals in society, and contributors examine the variety of forms and time-depth that these relations can take. The ...
The Sailor's Book of the Weather
Introducing key principles that influence the weather, this guide gives sailors the tools to forecast from observations and the available information. Wind, clouds and weather patt ...
Wind Strategy
The wind powers everything a sailor does and this book will help you to understand it. As a result you will be more prepared for your race, able to anticipate changes in the wind b ...
Bacteria and Bayonets
For hundreds of years men have fought and died to expand and protect the United States relying on martial skill and patriotism. Various powerful enemies, from the British to the Na ...
Interest in Mathematics and Science Learning
Interest in Mathematics and Science Learning, edited by K. Ann Renninger, Martin Nieswandt, and Suzanne Hidi, is the first volume to assemble findings on the role of interest in ma ...
Horses of the Great War
Horses of the Great War explains the contribution of countless innocent houses using superb contemporary painting by artists such as Sir John Lavery, Sir Alfred Munnings and Stanle ...
Merilintuja ja lintuihmisiä
Luontokirjailija Aura Koiviston elämyksellisiä ja informatiivisia tarinoita Jäämerelle suuntautuneista linturetkistä.Lintuharrastajalle Jäämeren karusta ja kivisestä rannikosta tek ...
Dead zone
Ilmastonmuutos ja elinympäristöjen tuhoutuminen eivät ole ainoita syitä siihen, miksi niin monia eläinlajeja uhkaa sukupuutto. Halvan lihan kysynnällä on yhtä tuhoisa vaikutus. Dea ...
My First Summer in the Sierra
"My First Summer in the Sierra" (1911) takes inspiration from Muir’s journals of the months he spent between June and September 1869 as a shepherd in the Sierras. Muir went on to b ...
A Thousand Mile Walk to the Gulf
In early March 1867, Muir was injured while working at a wagon wheels factory: a tool he was using slipped and struck him in the eye. This accident changed the course of his life. ...
Skildring av månen. Återutgivning av text från 1902
Månen har fascinerat människan i tusentals år. I den här e-boken får du veta mer om forskningen om vår eviga himmelska granne. Du får veta om de första trevande teorierna under ant ...
Denna bok handlar om syftet med att skapa en förståelse och insikt om att människan nog inte är så smart alla gånger. Vi har mycket att lära från djurens värld. Vår tillvaro kanske ...