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Omslagsbild för B.J. Harrison Reads MS. Found in a Bottle

B.J. Harrison Reads MS. Found in a Bottle

In 'MS. Found in a Bottle', one harrowing event seems to take place after another. Our narrator is a man who has become alienated from others and his country. He steps aboard a car ...

Omslagsbild för B.J. Harrison Reads The Masque of the Red Death

B.J. Harrison Reads The Masque of the Red Death

B.J. Harrison reads one of Edgar Allan Poe's classic short stories 'The Masque of the Red Death'. Prince Prospero and 1,000 other nobles have taken refuge at a castle-like abbey to ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads The Pit and the Pendulum

B. J. Harrison Reads The Pit and the Pendulum

A prisoner arrives at a trial before the Spanish Inquisition and is condemned to death. Upon his conviction, he faints and finds himself in a horrendous cell to fight off death. St ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads The Cask of Amontillado

B. J. Harrison Reads The Cask of Amontillado

B.J. Harrison visits Edgar Allan Poe's grim horror story, 'The Cask of Amontillado'. Montresor is a man who has been insulted, and he does not take this lightly. Seeking revenge on ...

Omslagsbild för B.J. Harrison Reads The Purloined Letter

B.J. Harrison Reads The Purloined Letter

B.J. Harrison reads 'The Purloined Letter' by Edgar Allan Poe, which is a story of an unusual mystery that needs to be solved. A sensitive letter has been stolen from the queen's b ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether

B. J. Harrison Reads The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether

In 'The System of Doctor Tarr and Pofessor Fether' from the 19th century nothing is quite what it seems. During his tour of southern France, our narrator visits a local mental inst ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads Desiree's Baby

B. J. Harrison Reads Desiree's Baby

Kate Chopin’s short story "Desirée’s Baby" depicts a love story that is far from simple. Desirée was found as a baby by a wealthy French Creole couple, Monsieur and Madame Valmondé ...

Omslagsbild för Vi får väl trösta varandra

Vi får väl trösta varandra

Bland radiolyssnarna är Mark Levengood en älskad röst, och hans Tankar för dagen i P1 citeras såväl på tidningarnas ledarsidor som i dödsannonser. Dock är det livet, inte döden, Ma ...

Omslagsbild för Lilla Gul

Lilla Gul

Cyril är en ung aspirerande författare i Stockholm på 90-talet. På sin stambar Lilla Gul möter han en dag den unga servitrisen Henrietta. Henrietta är en glamourflicka som dricker ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads Behind the White Brick

B. J. Harrison Reads Behind the White Brick

Have you ever wondered what hides inside the big chimney which Santa Claus goes through every Christmas Eve? Jem is about to find out. Inside the chimney, she notices a magnificent ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads The Flying Stars

B. J. Harrison Reads The Flying Stars

It is the day after Christmas. Colonel Adams and his daughter are throwing a party. The neighbor, the girl’s uncle, her godfather and the local priest Father Brown are invited. The ...

Omslagsbild för Misstänkt dödsfall

Misstänkt dödsfall

Måndagen den 27 december 1976 klockan 17.05 fördes den ungerska flyktingen Gabriella Szabor, 24 år, med ambulans till olycksfallsavdelningen vid Frederiksbergs sjukhus från hemmet ...

Omslagsbild för Ett landsortssamhälle i chock

Ett landsortssamhälle i chock

Fyra mord som begås under bara några månaders tid chockar den lilla orten Tistedal i sydöstra Norge. Morden är hänsynslösa, och trots stora insatser tar det lång tid innan polisen ...

Omslagsbild för SOMNA SKÖNT del 7: Ön


Somna skönt är en serie noveller inlästa av Tomas Bolme som placerar dig i en miljö där du känner dig trygg och avslappnad, där oro och malande tankar glider undan, och där du lätt ...

Omslagsbild för SOMNA SKÖNT del 6: Biblioteket

SOMNA SKÖNT del 6: Biblioteket

Somna skönt är en serie noveller inlästa av Tomas Bolme som placerar dig i en miljö där du känner dig trygg och avslappnad, där oro och malande tankar glider undan, och där du lätt ...

Omslagsbild för The Dancing Girls

The Dancing Girls

"The Dancing Girls, and Other Stories" contains four short-stories by two-times Pulitzer Prize winner Edna Ferber, written between 1910 and 1919. The title story paints a pictures ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads The White Wolf

B. J. Harrison Reads The White Wolf

One day Krantz comes home to witness his wife being unfaithful to him. In a fit of anger he kills both his wife and her lover, who is also Krantz’s lord. Krantz fears the punishmen ...

Omslagsbild för B. J. Harrison Reads The Invisible Eye

B. J. Harrison Reads The Invisible Eye

“The physiognomy of this old woman had struck me more than once: her little green eyes, long, thin nose, the immense bouquets of flowers on her shawl, which must have been at least ...

Omslagsbild för The Homely Heroine

The Homely Heroine

"The Homely Heroine" is a short story by American author Edna Ferber. It features a writer whose heroines are generally extremely beautiful. But one day, whilst she is out shopping ...

Omslagsbild för Mordvittnets häxkittel

Mordvittnets häxkittel

Den 16 mars 1916 upprördes den svenska allmänheten av en uppseendeväckande nyhet i kvällstidningarna. Där kunde man läsa om ett hemskt mordrama som samma dag vid 12-tiden utspelats ...

Omslagsbild för The Naughty Boy

The Naughty Boy

One stormy evening, a kind old poet was resting quietly at home when he heard a knock at his door. When he opened it, he found a handsome young boy, soaking wet, and the good poet ...

Omslagsbild för The Travelling Companion

The Travelling Companion

When his father died, young Johannes did not know what to do. He was now all alone in the world and he was inconsolable. With his inheritance, he decided to explore the world and h ...

Omslagsbild för The Snow Man

The Snow Man

The snowman had just been born under the eyes and joyful laughter of children. How he loved the cold! His only problem was the shiny ball in the sky that keep looking at him, witho ...

Omslagsbild för The Rose Elf

The Rose Elf

In the rose bush in the middle of the garden lived a tiny elf, she was so small that it was impossible to see her with the naked eye. Behind each rose petal hides a room and the el ...

Omslagsbild för The Wicked Prince

The Wicked Prince

Once upon a time there was a prince without pity: he wanted to be the strongest and sent armies of soldiers to destroy villages and stop other kings, he even got it into his head t ...