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Omslagsbild för Certified Insane
Isbn: 978-87-2840-029-6
Förlag: Saga Egmont
Romaner Deckare & spänning
Tillgänglig sedan: december 2024


Certified Insane

She inherits a fortune in the millions - and the hatred of her family.

In the wake of a tragic hunting party, heiress Gisela Peltzner finds herself forcibly confined to a psychiatric clinic.

With her fortune at stake, she must piece together the truth of her father's suspicious death. As hidden scandals and betrayal come to light, Gisela uncovers a deep-seated family conspiracy...

Will she be able to reclaim her life and fortune before it's too late?

Heinz G. Konsalik (1921-1999), a prolific German novelist known for his humanistic depictions of war, became famous for "The Doctor of Stalingrad." With 155 novels and 83 million copies sold, he remains a celebrated figure of post-war German literature.

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