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Omslagsbild för Doctor Erica Werner
Isbn: 978-87-2840-025-8
Förlag: Saga Egmont
Tillgänglig sedan: december 2024


Doctor Erica Werner

In a hospital where female doctors are rarities, newly graduated Dr. Erica Werner battles rampant skepticism and harsh treatment from her male counterparts.

Yet, when respected Chief Physician Bornholm starts defending her and advocating for respect, hostility mounts between her male colleagues which turns Erica’s hospital journey into a fight against external doubt over her capabilities and her own insecurities.

Defying doubt and breaking barriers, this medical drama is perfect for fans of "Grey's Anatomy" and "The Good Doctor".

Heinz G. Konsalik (1921-1999), a prolific German novelist known for his humanistic depictions of war, became famous for "The Doctor of Stalingrad." With 155 novels and 83 million copies sold, he remains a celebrated figure of post-war German literature.

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