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Omslagsbild för My Own Poems of Life
Isbn: 978-91-8097-474-5
Förlag: Books on Demand
Tillgänglig sedan: maj 2024


My Own Poems of Life

This is my second book with my own poems They are about all kinds of things A whole lot of many different subjects What I think What I believe And like about the schizophrenia and Aspergers syndrome that I have They are all in the english languange My own thoughts written down for you to read I do enjoy writing down this poetry and I hope you will enjoy reading them It was really a lot of fun making these Altough I'm from Sweden and Swedish is my first languange I just prefer writing my poems in english It's just something about the english languange that I like That I prefer I get these thoughts and then I just write them down When I get inspiration really And I have inspiration to write all of the time As you will see Which is great

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